


Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Cuma Corat-Coret

Hallooooo Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb ^^ *lambain tangan ala Miss World*
Annyeonghaseyoo yeoreobun *bungkukin badan 90derajat*

ketemu lagi deh sama aku!

Comparison and Contrast Essay : Two New Friends of My Holiday

Comparison and Contrast Essay

Two New Friends of My Holiday
Author : Friska Maulani Dewi

            I enjoy spending my holiday time by stay at my home sweet home. I like doing something outside the home too, but last holiday I just stay at my home. I like reading to spend my holiday time, especially reading some novels. I read two novels in my last holiday. Both of these novels have similarities and differences. Here I like to compare and contrast those two novels.

Opinion Essay : Nobody is Perfect

Nobody is Perfect
Author : Friska Maulani Dewi

Nobody is perfect in this world. Everyone makes mistake. Making mistake is a part of human nature. They all want to be a perfectionist and want to do everything perfectly, but everyone makes mistake or do something wrong in their life. This is also happen with student of college. They all can not escape from making some mistakes. One of the common mistakes which made by student of college is lazy to study.

Narrative Essay : My Regrets

My Regrets
Author : Friska Maulani Dewi

Turning back the time, maybe this is one of the impossible things to do in this world. Most of people dreamed that they could make a Time Machine and go back to certain times to correct the mistakes that they ever did. Yes, I know that no one can turn back time, but I hope I can do it. I just want to do something that I could not do in the past. Then, when my friend asked me, “If you could turn back time, when you will be? And what will you do at that time?”. Unconsciously, I directly answered that question, “I want to go back to December 2011”.

Descriptive Essay : My Grandmother’s House

Descriptive Essay

My Grandmother’s House
Author : Friska Maulani Dewi

Everyone has a special place, a place where people can find happiness, be themselves and feel of peace. This special place perhaps is a place where people have a dream to go for holiday and become a tourist destination. Nevertheless, not for me. My favorite place in this world is my grandmother’s house.