


Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Recount Text : When I Tried to be A Writer

When I Tried to be A Writer
Author : Friska Maulani Dewi 

            Cirebon, April 2nd 2013 at 11.00 a.m.  I locked myself in my room.  I just sit there on my blue chair for a long time (until 03.00 p.m.), trying to figure out what to write in my task for my midterm test.  And I had nothing to write in my story.  Great!  I frustrated.  Well, actually I didn’t really like writing.  But lately, I should write.  As a freshman of English majors, like it or not I have to write frequently.  Moreover, lately in writing courses, Mr. Lala always assigned us to write.  Such as: writing class review, response text, narrative text, and perhaps in the future will be more and more kinds of the text that I will learn and write it.
            This is my experiences when I did my writing task.  Perhaps at the first, I disparaged of my writing task.  At the first, I always think that to do my writing task, I just write anything what I thought.  However, it was wrong.  Actually, to do my writing task was not easily and simply like that.  Many incidents that I had while I did my writing task.
            Like I said before, I didn’t really like writing.  Writing was not my passion.  I like reading better than writing.  That’s why reading became one of the my hobbies.  Yeah, although most of the books which I read were novels and comics than the books of history and philosophy, but I do love reading.
            Based on my aversion of writing, at first I did my writing task with not earnestly.  The result was very disappointing me.  My first writing task’s score only 66.  Then, this is what motivated me to be more and more serious and sincere to do my writing task.  I don’t want to get bad scores again.
            It turned out, it was really not easy to did my writing task.  I found a lot of difficulties in the process of writing task.  Such as: I didn’t know to get started,  I often found the difficulty to determine the theme which will be appointed in my writing task, I didn’t know to begin the first line, what the tittle of my text, was my sentences connected each other and of course I confused how to make a good ending of my text. This what made me frustrated when I had writing task.
            Like when I composed my midterm test.  Mr. Lala gave us task to write another story of Little Red Riding Hood.  Yeah, we should make another version story.  Oh my God! I didn’t know how to make another version of Little Red Riding Hood.  I’m not a writer.  What should I do?  I really want to cry.  I really didn’t know how to do my midterm test.  But, I remembered what my Mum and Dad said to me, “Don’t give up, Friska! You can do it! Keep fighting!”  Unfortunately, I didn’t adjust myself to writing.  Certainly, it made me difficult to determine the theme of story and how to get started my writing task.
            Then, I was looking for the information of writing in internet. I also read some of versions of Little Red Riding Hood.  I just know it that this story has many versions.  And it was all because of the task which Mr. Lala assigned (well, I still have to admitted this).  Little by little, I found the way to start my writing.  However, new problems were arises.  How was the plot of my story?  Will the story that I write was connected?  And how about the ending of story?  How to make a good ending of my Little Red Riding Hood story?  Goodness!  I had a headache!  It was like a thousand hammers beating my head.  It felt like my head want to burst.  Even in sometimes ago when I was working on my writing task, in addition that I got a headache, I also had stomachache.  I didn’t know why.  Well, maybe it was the impact when I was frustrated. 
            The most that makes me had a headache and being frustrated was often I had many ideas in my head, but when I want to put it in the pen’s scribbles, suddenly it was gone.  I panicked.  Especially, when the deadline comes while I have not completed my task.   I couldn’t sleep well.  The writing task always in my head.  It always haunted me.  And at the end, I could only regret why I did not finished the tasks in time before.  For the next time, I must finish my task on time.
            I overwhelmed with the pressure that exists to be able to write over and over again.  I couldn’t relax.  Like I said before, I am not a writer. I didn’t really like writing.  It often made me felt just as to be under pressure and it was really exhausting.  Just imagine it, if something that we dislike it, but cause of the circumstances force (to do the task), we must inevitably do that work.  Like it or not.  Well, sometimes life is so hard, right?

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