


Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Movie Review

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Director : Chris Columbus
Written by : Steven Kloves
Cast : Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Richard Harris, Robbie Coltrane, Maggie Smith, Kenneth Branagh, Jason Isaacs, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton.
Genre : Science Fiction, Fantasy, Kids & family
Release date: 15 November 2002
Adaptation from J.K Rowling’s second book with the same tittle “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”

                This movie story about Harry’s second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Like the first movie, this movie has opened by the scene when Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) at the Dursley’s house. Apart from the cruelty of the Dursley, Harry surprised by the arrival of a house-elf, named Dobby. Dobby warns Harry not to return to Hogwarts, the magical school for wizards, that harry attended the previous year. Dobby tells that something bad will happen in Hogwarts. But harry not to pay attention to his warning. He still return to Hogwarts.
                After a hair-raising trip with Ron (Rupert Grint), Harry arrives at Hogwarts where there are new classes, new challenges, and a somewhat suspicious, extremely narcissistic new Defense Againts the Dark Arts teacher named Gilderoy Lockhart (Kenneth Branagh). One night when Harry detention, he hear a strange voice. And when Harry follow that voice, he and his friends (Hermione and Ron) found a bloody writing on the wall announces : “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemy of the heir, beware!”.  Strangely, Harry is the only one who can hear that strange voice echoing through the halls. And he is in the wrong place at the wrong time when some very bad and scary things happen. It seems that there is a chamber of secrets that has not been opened for 50 years. Somewhere in that chamber is a dangerous creature just waiting for the right person (the heir of Slytherin) to let it out. Many people suspect that Harry is that person because of Harry’s own unsettling ability to speak to snakes. Increasingly chaotic situation when the two adults that Harry trust the most, Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) and Dumbledore (Richard Harris) are removed from the school, and if someone doesn’t stop the creature, Hogwarts may be closed for good. As always, it will require al of Harry, Ron and Hermione’s magical abilities and courage to save the day.
                This movie is scarier than the first in the series and characters spend a lot of time in extreme peril. There are frightening creatures including lots of big spiders and an enormous snake that can kill anyone who looks in its eyes. Though it appears that some characters have been hurt or killed, all the good guys are ultimately fine. Friendship, love, bravery, and loyalty are always major themes in the series. So, is the idea of making good choices. And I think this movie so brilliant, you must watch this movie. In my opinion, the best scene of this movie is when Harry come in to The Chamber of Secrets. Get ready to be amused and petrified as Harry Potter shows he’s more than a wizard, he’d a hero! J

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Sometimes Love Can Be Disappointing

            Bruno Mars is the one of the best male singer in this world. He has amazing talent and good voice. His debut single is 'Just the Way You Are' which became a popular song in this world and also made his name so famous.
            Grenade is his next single. The genre of this song is ballad song. This song is tell about a man who loves his girl so much and would do anything for her, but his girl still won't get the love that he deserves. Bruno sing with enough disappointment in "I would go through all this pain, take a bullet straight through my brain.....". It's look like a depressing song. But with an amazing vocal that he has, this song sound so cool and brilliant.
            This song is a so contrast to the previous song.If in the previous song Bruno was experiencing happiness in love, whereas in this song he felt that the love so disappointing and let him down. But it was not decrease the beauty of this song. This song is really cool and it so appropriate to those who are broken-hearted.

Senin, 17 September 2012

My "Blue Zone" ^^

My Bedroom is my favourite place in my house. I can do anything in my bedroom. I called it my “Blue Zone”. It because almost all the things in my bedroom has blue colour. Like the door, the wall, the bed, the curtain, the clock, and the bed cover has blue colours. Yup, blue is my favourite colour. In my “Blue Zone”, there are a bed with pillows and bolsters, a wardrobe, a fan, a computer, a mirror, and my study table. In the corner, there are a guitar and a piano. I called it my “Music Corner”. I played it when I’m bored. In my wall, there are my photos and posters of my favourite artist and movies. There are windows with ventilations. It makes my “Blue Zone” refresh. My “Blue Zone” is my privacy. So, not just anyone can get into my “Blue Zone”. Although my bedroom’s size is not too large, but I feel comfortable with my ”Blue Zone”.

Kamis, 13 September 2012

My Biodata

Hello, my name is Friska Maulani Dewi. You can call me Friska. I was born in Cirebon, August 31th 1993. My hobby is listening to the music, watching movies, and reading books especially comic and novels. I was graduated from SMAN 3 Cirebon. Now, I am a student of The State Institute of Islamic Studies Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. My major is Department of English Education. I choose English Department because I really love English. I want to learn English more and more again. So that, my English can be better than before. I wish someday I can go to around the world. My goal is to be a good person who can bring the happiness to everybody. My motto is "I'm gonna live today like it's my last day."

Senin, 10 September 2012

Harry's Problem

   There was a boy named Harry. He was a cheerful boy. He is an only child in his family. So it is no wonder if he sometimes becomes a spoiled child.
   One day after the school, Harry came home crying. His mother was overjoyed about it. When his mother asked Harry why he was crying, he said that his bike was gone. Harry said with tears. His mother was trying to comfort him, but her efforts were in vain. Harry is so sad for the loss of his beloved bicycle. His Mother felt confused and eventually his mother had told her husband (Harry's father) who was on duty out of town.
   Since the loss of his new bike, Harry turned into a moody child. Until a few days later, his father came home from his official duties outside the city. And Harry's father who already aware about the issue gives Harry a surprise. It's turns out, his father bought Harry new bike. Harry was very, very happy. He went back to being a happy child. He also promised to keep his favorite bike so it will not to lose again.